Zodiac Sign

How to make a first-rate impression According to your Zodiac


your first words are important. With your distinctive voice, often so rich and resonant, you should be an instant stand out. But your reluctance to initiate the first move can hold you back. To attract lovers, friends or colleagues, be willing to speak up sooner.

You may need to memorize a few stock opening lines that are light and witty but still sincere and in character. Then zero in on some common interests that will help achieve rapid rapport without giving away your too-serious intentions.

Here, you could take a cue from your opposite Sign – Scorpio – and be more direct and clever in your tactics. You’ll always make a hit with members of the Signs most compatible with yours if you show your stability without seeming too inflexible. 

Another Taurus will appreciate your love of luxury. The other Earth Signs – Virgo and Capricorn – will like your practical ways. The Water Signs – Cancer and Pisces – will be drawn by your gentle strength.


Though you love to appear mysterious, Scorpio, don’t make others guess whether you like them or not. Use your natural resourcefulness to think up some unique compliment that conveys your good will.

To attract lovers, friends or colleagues who are worthy of your loyalty, talk about your ideals rather than your resentments. Avoid sarcastic remarks or verbal power plays. In discussions with new contacts, check the urge to engage in psychological games, to force issues or manipulate others.

Learn from those in your opposite Sign – Taurus – to be more friendly, honest and direct in letting others know where you stand. You’ll always make a hit with the Signs most compatible with yours if you reveal your deep emotions and ingenuity. Another Scorpio will appreciate your strength of purpose. The other Water Signs – Cancer and Pisces – will admire your compassionate nature. The Earth Signs Virgo and Capricorn – will like your effectiveness in getting things done.


With your extreme sensitivity, Pisces, you probably will say as little as possible, preferring to remain remote or mysterious. But to attract lovers, friends or colleagues, you’ll need to establish warm, friendly communication. You can accent your best traits by attuning yourself to the moods and feelings of others and gently drawing them out.

Check your urge to recount any sad experiences or to embellish the truth with your vivid imagination. You’ll benefit instead by taking a cue from your opposite Sign— Virgo—when relating to others. Be straightforward and, even if it seems boring, stick to the facts. You’ll always make a hit with members of the Signs most compatible with yours if you show your compassion without appearing meek.

Another Pisces will appreciate you subtlety. The other Water Signs— Cancer and Scorpio— will admire your deep emotions . The Earth Signs— Taurus and Capricorn—will be impressed by the beauty you lend to their lives.


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