Zodiac Sign

2023 Yearly Horoscopes: In With the New!

Focus or expand? 2020 is about balancing sharp attention to detail against our big-picture visions and ideals. This year calls on us to be flexible and adaptable because we’ll feel pulled in contrasting directions. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in “mutable” (changeable) signs, which is creating this incessant tug of war. Nobody will simply glide through 2020 on an easy magic carpet ride—we’ll all have to reckon with our contradictions.

Nobody will simply glide through 2023 on an easy magic carpet ride. We’ll all have to reckon with our own contradictions.

But such is the richness of life and being human. We are all complex creatures who “contain multitudes.” In 2023, self-exploration can be a fascinating adventure. Let’s just make sure it doesn’t turn into navel-gazing: global issues such as the environment and cross-cultural relations will also demand action and awareness. On September 9, Jupiter exits this three-way dance-off and moves into harmonious Libra, which could bring an era of world peace that only occurs every 12 years. We’ll take it!


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